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Sts’ailes First Nation to vote on land code this summer

Land Code would remove nation from 34 sections of Indian Act

Sts’ailes was one of 10 new First Nations selected for entry into the “developmental” phase of land code in 2016 and is now preparing for a community vote in July to determine if it will operate under the code.

The land code is drafted by the community and becomes the basic land law, replacing federal land management provisions and removing the nation from 34 sections of the Indian Act. The nation would have all the land-use powers of a local government along with the responsibility and authority to take over the management and control of its reserve lands and resources.

According to the Sts’ailes community newsletter, Sts’ailes is one of 48 First Nations across Canada in the development phase of land code, with 61 communities waitlisted and 59 already with operational land codes.

The July vote will determine if Sts’ailes gains community autonomy or remains as it is as defined under the Indian Act.

Sts’ailes is holding dinners and information sessions to keep voters up to date and informed. More information can be found online at or by calling 604-796-2116.