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LETTER: Encounter with homeless man a positive thing



A few days ago I was walking down Wallace Street. I passed a doorway and saw a young man lying on the step.

I kept walking and then stopped. Perhaps I could help.

I went back and pulled out a bill.

“Here Son, take this and see if you can find a safe spot to have a bite to eat.”

His eyes were unfocused and he couldn’t tell what the bill was. At this point he picked up two grocery bags. One had a cooked chicken in it and the other some groceries. Although he was hard to understand, he was telling me to take the bags away. He didn’t want them. Obviously more than one person had tried to help.

I felt so distraught and yet knew there was nothing else I could do, so I started to walk away after saying “take care.”

Suddenly his mind seemed to clear a bit and he looked directly at me and asked “why did you call me Son?”

I answered “because you reminded me of my own sons.”

On my way home I thought “the food and the money didn’t help, but perhaps he still could have a good thought of his Mother.”

I sincerely hope this was so!

Carol Chaulk