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Mold shuts down visitor centre

It’s just an inconvenience, saiys Advantage Hope

While AdvantageHOPE is busy touting the District of Hope’s future as a tourist destination, it has had to deal with a problem at its base of operations, the Hope Visitor Centre.

“We noticed some weird discoloration happening on some of the floor tiles a while back, and no one really thought too much about it. Then we had it assessed and were told that mold had been found developing under the tiles in that section of the centre,” said executive director of AdvantageHOPE, Patrick Earl.

“At first we just sealed off that section of the flooring in mid-October, but after some further consultation it was decided that we should just get out of the building until it could be addressed. They’re working on it now and we’re hopeful we can get back into the building in the near future,” Earl said.

In the interim, staff are still working on economic development issues, conducting roaming visitations to area businesses and consulting with community leaders as part of their efforts to develop a solid plan of action for Hope.

“It’s a bit of an inconvenience, but we’re continuing to move in the same direction.”