Public Viewing and Comment Opportunity For the Forest Operations Map (FOM) Forest Licences A20542, A19202, A74688, A77464
Notice is hereby given that Western Canadian Timber Products Ltd, 606546 BC Ltd, has published a FOM which will be available for review and comment. The FOM depicts the location where harvesting and /or road construction may occur. All are located within the boundaries of the Chilliwack Forest District. Public Review and comment begin December 13th 2024, and ends January 12th 2025.
Interested parties can arrange to review and or make comments in respect to the Forest Operations Maps online at https://fom.nrs.gov.bc.ca/public/projects or by contacting the Western Canadian Timber Products Office c/o Jay Rees (604-796-0314) between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday. Written comments can be sent to referrals@wctp.ca or Western Canadian Timber products Ltd. Attention Jay Rees, 14250 Morris Valley Road, Harrison Mills, BC, V0M 1L0.
The notice is applicable to the following project(s) listed below. These projects shown in FOM maybe relied upon for up to three years for the purpose of applying for cutting permits or for road permits.
FOM Name: FOM 14
Geographic Location: Hatzic Valley