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October 19, 1945 - June 18, 2024

It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the peaceful passing of James Robert Gisel from this earthly realm. Jim was Born in Niagara Falls ON, and enthusiastically began his life on Weller Ave in Welland ON, only a hop skip and a jump from Chippewa Park where many adventures ensued. A true renaissance man, Jim never gave up a sense of childlike wonder for the world; how things worked, and had a keen interest in the lives of the people he encountered along the way. Early on he developed a gift for understanding mechanical things and after leaving the Canadian Air Force earned his Interprovincial Red Seal for Automotive repair in 1967; working in shops all over the Niagara Region and in later years, British Columbia. He was a specialist in Propane conversions and Hydraulics and even taught automotive courses at Niagara College and the British Columbia Institute of Technology. He lived his final 6 years in the beautiful Hamlet of Stanley near Kakabeka Falls ON.

Predeceased by his parents Harold and Helen Gisel and by his amazing wife Ruth Gisel (Robins)...and by his grandson Leaf.

Jim leaves behind his wife Diane Gisel (Dickie) of Hope B.C. Jim will be missed by all of his many children and grandchildren as follows: Beloved Daughter Trudy Anne Hague of Welland ON; Son Justin Gisel of Abbotsford BC, Son Paul (Dee) of Abbotsford BC, Son Shawn Gisel (Tara Gisel, Hayley Keys) ofWelland ON, Son Davey Gisel of Penetanguishene ON, Son Jimmy Gisel (Marcy) of Thunder Bay ON, Daughter Leslie Gisel ofWelland ON, and Joyce Racicot of Welland ON, Derrick; Adam, Jason; Nicholas; Ashleigh, Kyleigh, Lincoln, and Lucy; Kassandra and Keanna; Leaf, Adrien and Caleb; Braydon, Talisa, Logan, and Keirsa; Lloyd and Cameron; and Tanis.

There are many, many friends that will remember Jim; many are long moved on and some more recent. To all of his friends long ago from Niagara; from his beloved Hope BC... especially Faith Fathergill and Christopher (you brought me great joy right up until the very end), and in Thunder Bay ON...Garrett and Peggy (you always made time for Tanner and I...Oh those egg salad sandwiches and the root beer (How much I appreciated your friendship in my elder years I cannot put into words)...Love to all...Thank you for the wonderful memories; I will see you down the road.

A Gentle soul Jim was and is...It was always "A Fine Fine Day in a Fine Fine Town". Many times, it was darker than the inside of a cow, or colder than the hobbs of hell...or tighter than a bull's ass in fly season...No matter the mood or occasion, the man always had a colourful turn of phrase to encapsulate it. Many mistakes were made and learned from along the way; many victories won; and challenges were overcome with character and compassion. Jim was exceedingly proud of his family far and wide.

"This old life what a beautiful life; Oh, my what a beautiful Ride! It's been a beautiful Ride!"

Jim be continued...

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