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New vision for Trails Crossing Friendship Centre

Plan includes opening a new media centre, and art gallery and school

The new Trails Crossing board consists of Crystal Kimber, Barbar Faris, Harvey Robinson, Carl Stromquist, Leslie Whittaker, and Joshua Lemmens as president.

A new vision and mandate for the centre and the community has been proposed to work towards self-sustainability. The plan is to open a new media centre and the Trails Crossing Gallery and School for carving, crafts and arts. The gallery is planned to open in the new year, with a school that will focus on workshops in carving that includes masks, poles, bows, cedar crafts, flutes, as well as leather crafts such as moccasins, tanning, working with animal hides, leather crafts, as well as cedar basket making, beading, weaving, and  loom work.

It is Trails Crossing’s desire to create a venue for all ages and traditions to have an influence in the community and to work together being creative and to learn together about the past and how it helps us build a better future. The gallery will showcase local artist work and provide a place to have showings and openings for works they have made by hand to encourage a cottage industry as well as draw in tourism into our town.

Joshua Lemmens,

Hope, BC