Everyone knows there is no place like Hope for the Holidays.
This holiday season is filled with homegrown, local events that are sure to put a twinkle in everyone’s eyes. It all kicks off this Saturday night (Nov. 27), with the Hope Lions Club Community Christmas Tree lighting event.
The club has just purchased a new tree for the community to enjoy together.
The public is invited to gather in Memorial Park for the lighting of the new 21-foot tall tree on top of District Hall. There will be popcorn and hot chocolate given out starting at 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Peter Robb will be lighting the Christmas lights on Wallace Street, and unveiling the newest addition to town, a life-sized Grinch chainsaw carving, at 6p.m.
Following that, the public will be invited to gather in front of District Hall to light the tree at 6:15 p.m.
Then, many shops downtown Hope are planning on staying open late for the evening, to help locals get a festive start on shopping local - or maybe even finishing up.
The popular Support Local event is back for this winter! This time, you will have a chance to win one of many prize bags, gift cards and movie tickets, or one of the grand prizes: Exciting trips to Manning Park Resort or REO Rafting Resort. Check Hope Cascades and canyons website for details.
Dec. 3 to Dec. 5:
Just a week after Hope Holiday Fest, it’s time for the Hope for the Holidays Downtown Celebration! Wander through the magical downtown winter wonderland, explore delightful shops, catch a Christmas classic at the cinema and even grab a special holiday brew from Mountainview Brewing Co.
Events are always being added, such as a free public skate hosted by the Rotary Club, Dec. 4, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Also, visit Mountainview Brewing Co. on Dec. 5 or Dec. 15 this holiday season to do some Christmas shopping in their holiday market.
You can also catch a holiday classic all weekend at the Hope Cinema. They’re showing three viewings each of A Christmas Story, National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation, Elf, Polar Express and Gremlins.