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LETTER: Don’t stand so close to me, in the grocery line



I think it is important that we have been told by the B.C. minister of health to practice social distancing and do our part and carry that recommendation out.

Can we do more?

Many stores now are limiting the amount of people entering their stores at one time, but these same people have been in a line-up outside of the store inches apart from one another? Have we all turned a blind eye that this is counter-productive? In one city they actually marked out where to stand in a line up inside and out.

Why are customers allowed to bring their own bags into a store? These bags rest on the same surface that mine and other groceries will rest on. Simple do’s and dont’s can only help. And the above mentioned can be brought to the attention of citizens to step up measures and set the example for others to follow.

What’s the worse, we get told we did too much preventive good?

Kim Dion