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Help combat local racism by participating in on-line survey

Free Rein Associates is asking for your help in setting a plan to eliminate hate and racism locally.

Free Rein Associates is asking for your help in setting a plan to eliminate hate and racism locally.

Their new anti-racism program is funded for $20,000 per year under the umbrella of an Embrace B.C. program dubbed OARH, short for Organizing Against Racism and Hate.

The first year of the Hope Inclusion Project is targeted at planning and the social services company is asking the public to share their views on what next steps should be taken. To make it convenient for the public to give their input, a short four-question on-line survey is now on line at Residents can remain anonymous in answering the questions.

Program organizers would like to know if you are aware of racism and hate in the community, if you have personally experience racism or hate, what you think should be done about racism, and in which community you live.

There is also a small section for participants to describe an incident of racism that they have experienced or witnessed.

And beyond the on-line survey, project coordinators are also hoping to gain the support of the HSS Social Justice Group who can bring the survey to the young audience, says Darla Dickinson, of Free Rein.

“I believe that racism and hate does exist in our community and comes out in many different forms,” said Dickinson.

“What we are trying to do in the first year is get a sense of what those forms actually are locally,” adds Dickinson.

“If you don’t have access to a computer, just give me a call and I will login to the survey your behalf and enter your responses.”

Once the data is compiled in early March the group will meet to discuss the results and develop a plan to combat local racism and hate. Once their plan gains provincial ministry approval the group will then set out on the implementation stage.

Darla Dickinson can be reached at Free Rein Associates by calling 604-869-2279.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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