Almost 100 budgies have been turned over to BC SPCA after an animal protection investigation in West Kelowna.
The 99 birds were all moved to the SPCA location in Kelowna on Aug. 24, though some will be dispersed to other centres to ensure there is enough staffing and resources to care for each tiny tweeter.
They are currently under 30 days quarantine in Kelowna because of the presence of avian flu in the province.
“Once the quarantine period is up we will be looking for homes for them all.”
Senior Officer of Protection Relations Eileen Drever said that this many birds under one roof can often result in a number of health and sanitation issues, like malnourishment or parasites.
“Our officers provided food, fans and other support while working with the individual to surrender the birds so that they could get the on-going care they needed.”
Despite the massive number of birds surrendered to the SPCA, there were actually others that were left in the owner’s home, under orders of care from the organization.

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