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Victims of Crime Week in Hope

Hope/Boston Bar Victim Services will have an information display at the Hope Library and Hope Crime Prevention Society office next week

Taking Action is the theme of this year’s Victims of Crime Week, April 6-12.

When someone has been impacted by a crime they are often in a spiral of disbelief, shock, fear and dealing with the unknown. The trauma of the incident itself can be extreme, but when you add the aftermath of having to report the offence, provide statements, deal with the courts and other involved agencies it can be a frightening and overwhelming experience. It is often a time when people are least able to take action.

Taking action may be as simple as getting help to access service for yourself or someone you know, or perhaps it will mean getting involved with an organization or a group to help promote the needs and rights of those who have been impacted by a crime or a personal tragedy. Whatever the issue may be, or your reason for getting involved, it is important to remember that what you do can make a difference.

Support and assistance is critical to help people understand what is happening and to help them access the services they may need at this time in their life. Victim Services is a critical support service to many victims of crime and can be a lifeline to help them move through what may be the most difficult time in their life and assist them in getting the information and support they require. RCMP Victim Services are available in almost every RCMP detachment throughout B.C.

Next week, Hope/Boston Bar Victim Services will have an information display at the Hope Library and Hope Crime Prevention Society office. There will also be a presentation on April 10, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Hope Crime Prevention Society office (777 Fraser St.), to offer information and learn from the community what would be helpful for them.

For more information or to access victim support services, contact Hope Victim Services at 604-869-7770.  If you require additional information, call the province’s toll free victim support line, VictimLINK, at 1-800-563-0808.

About the Author: Staff Writer

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