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Better communication needed between government departments

They don't seem to know what the other is doing, or that they even exist

Folks, I find it odd the system we are living under. I am talking about the government’s way of operating.

When a person is born and their parents register them with a government, the legal quagmire begins for that newborn for the rest of their life.

The problem as I see it, is that the various government departments do not know what the other departments are doing to an extent that I suspect they don’t even exist.

I’ll try to explain myself. My better half did on Sept. 5, 2014 and was recorded with Vital Statistics properly. Yet the GST department in Surrey is still sending mail to my dead wife on Oct. 3, 2014, which I received on Nov. 4, 2014 (notice the time frame). So far I have received three pieces of correspondence from three different governments that obviously are not in contact with each other.

I have heard from many people that we are treated like mushrooms and kept in the dark. Could it be that there are too many departments in our government? When I watch the TV coverage from the House of Commons it becomes obvious that our politicians of all ilk are not there to serve the public who voted for them, but to make the members of the House of Commons look like idiots.

Yukon Eric Holopainen,

Hope, B.C.