It gives me great hope in the foreseeable future to see that the good people of the two provincial ridings used their power to vote and are demanding political change that we desperately need in B.C. The people have spoken and have sent a clear message to Victoria that major change is coming.
The days of the arrogance and the self serving and opportunistic attitudes of the BC Liberals is clearly coming to an end. The days of taking care of one per cent of the population of this province are winding down. The populace of this province has had enough and now is forcing change by rejecting the right-wing agenda, which is absolutely useless to 99 per cent of British Columbians.
There is a lineup of present and former right wing politicans saying “vote splitting” is to blame for the NDP winning both byelections. Well, that just goes to show that these people are totally disrespecting the wishes and rights of each individual who voted against the BC Liberal party. The vote is the only power we have as an ordinary citizen/taxpayer and if the right wingers are not pleased the way each person votes in an election, who cares. I chalk that up to a bunch of very sore losers. Shame on them.
The days of Premier Clark’s so called “free enterprise” government are coming to an end. We need a government that is willing to work for all sectors of the population; and that’s everyone from the dirt poor to the filthy rich. The BC Liberals have only provided that service to the rich and themselves and their insider friends. This government has been the classic example for all the good people of BC of how not to provide proper governance. It’s time to install a government that is willing and able to work for all the people of BC and not just the one per cent.
I am really hoping when the government gets soundly defeated in next year’s designated provincial election that the new government will call a public inquiry into several unscrupulous activities of this Liberal regime. The truth needs to come out; the people have a right to know. Some of these Liberals who participated in these activities should be made to answer for their involvement. It’s time to clean up our legislature and get it back on track with a transparent and responsible government.
This gives me great hope for the future of politics in B.C. The change is very refreshing.
Jim Parmiter