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Difference between racism and prejudice

Mayor's comment at all-candidates meeting 'was meant with malice'

Re: New mayor’s comment was a ‘naive, innocent mistake,’ Letters (Nov. 27)

I just read a letter to the editor in defense of Wilfried Vicktor’s statement at the candidates meeting in regards to “cute little paddles.”

While I was not there, friends whom have been in Hope all their lives and know Wilfried and remember the town politics of that time, also know what he said was meant with malice and was not innocent at all. Ruth Renwick claims she knows racism due to her experience in Europe at a hostel thinking she was American. Are you kidding me? You equate that to racism natives face everyday in Canada? I am truly disappointed that the newspaper even published her letter. Does Ruth Renwick know the difference between racism and prejudice?

Lorne Fortune,

Hope, B.C.