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Plan ahead for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics

All of the Greater Vancouver venues are approximately two hours driving time from Hope
Discover our rich history

Discover our rich history

Drop by the Hope Museum to explore our rich history going back thousands of years as the traditional territory of the First Nations people, to their first encounter with Simon Fraser, and the building of Fort Hope
Experience the silent wind above Hope Regional Airport

Experience the silent wind above Hope Regional Airport

Imagine an airplane flying for more than seven hours without an engine and in the power of the wind alone...

Capture creatures this Saturday

The Hope Mountain Centre is hosting another exciting pond event at Thacker Marsh in Hope on Saturday, May 21st.
Fraser Canyon history explored

Fraser Canyon history explored

Bowlers big on heart

Bowlers big on heart

Parks anniversary kicks off with good news announcement

In Hope, plans are already underway by local volunteers for an Arts and Culture celebration this summer at the Coquihalla Canyon Provincial Park, home to the Othello Tunnels.

Daffodil pins celebrate Daffodil Month

April is the month to fight back against cancer.
Toast of the town

Toast of the town

Japan needs sisterly help on its path to recovery

Japan is just starting to recover from the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Japanese citizens devastated by the natural disasters and their aftermath need our help.